04:26 Latest VideosOrchid Species and Simple Hybrids Repotting Bulbophyllum medusae orchid in a basket July 24, 2015 March 18, 2021 This is the Bulbophyllum medusae orchid I recently purchased from Schwerter orchideenzucht. I decided to go for a basket culture thi... 8.6K
03:44 Latest VideosOrchid Species and Simple Hybrids Mounting Leptotes bicolor orchid on ceramic slab July 21, 2015 March 18, 2021 This is the Leptotes bicolor orchid, a miniature orchid that is used pretty much like the Vanilla orchid. Its seed pods are flavored... 3.6K
05:53 Orchid Species and Simple HybridsVanda Orchids Repotting Renanthera orchid in Orchitop pot July 20, 2015 November 29, 2020 This is the Renanthera philippinensis that I recently purchased from Schwerter Orchideenzucht. It came in a basket with no media, as... 13K
06:05 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Mounting Bulbophyllum barbigerum orchid on cork July 16, 2015 November 29, 2020 Bulbophyllum orchids have a tendency to grow pretty chaotic, making them hard to control in a normal pot. They also don’t prod... 10.4K
06:29 Latest VideosOrchid IdentificationOrchid Species and Simple Hybrids Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann Buckleberry – probably the most beautiful orchid in the world July 15, 2015 November 29, 2020 Meet the Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann Buckleberry. You can just tell by its name that this orchid meant a great deal for someone, to g... 17.6K
05:27 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Repotting Neofinetia falcata orchid – Japanese Kokedama July 14, 2015 November 29, 2020 Here is my first attempt at repotting a Neofinetia falcata orchid in the famous Japanese style, also known as Kokedama. This is a tr... 10.3K
06:27 Orchid Species and Simple HybridsPhalaenopsis Orchids Orchid care – How to care for Phalaenopsis summer blooming species July 1, 2015 November 29, 2020 Phalaenopsis species orchids are quite different from the usual hybrids that we always see in stores. To start with, they are not co... 18.2K
03:48 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Flower spike confirmed on Bulbophyllum orchid! – Cirrhopetalum Elizabeth Ann ‘Buckleberry’ June 25, 2015 November 29, 2020 So here is my Bulbophyllum type orchid, the Cirrhopetalum Elizabeth Ann ‘Buckleberry’ producing what is now confirmed as... 4.5K
05:59 Latest VideosOrchid IdentificationOrchid Species and Simple HybridsPhalaenopsis Orchids Phalaenopsis bellina – Exquisite orchid from bloom to fragrance June 18, 2015 November 29, 2020 Phalaenopsis bellina is an orchid species that is well known for the wonderful colored blooms and delicious fragrance. But no matter... 24.8K
05:30 Latest VideosOrchid IdentificationOrchid Species and Simple Hybrids Encyclia cordigera – The cocoa orchid! May 30, 2015 November 29, 2020 Encyclia cordigera is an orchid species found in Central and South America. It is well known for its spidery flower shape, but also... 19.4K
05:01 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Pleione orchids update + summer care May 27, 2015 November 29, 2020 Here are my Pleione orchids in full vegetative growth season. The new bulbs (or pseudobulbs) are starting to form, leaves are growin... 5.2K
08:01 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Repotting and dividing Promenaea xanthina orchid May 25, 2015 November 29, 2020 Here is my Promenaea xanthina orchid, doing well after purchase but it is now time to repot it. I also decided to divide it since I... 6.9K