04:25 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Habenaria medusae orchid update – leaves and roots! May 19, 2015 November 29, 2020 This is a short update on my Habenaria medusae orchid. It is growing nicely, I can see a few roots as well and leaves look green and... 2.9K
04:16 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Catasetum orchids update – spring and summer care May 11, 2015 November 29, 2020 These are my 2 Catasetum type orchids, the Cycnodes Wine Delight and Monnierara Millennium Magic ‘Witchcraft’. Since it... 5.3K
08:13 Latest VideosOrchid IdentificationOrchid Species and Simple HybridsPhalaenopsis Orchids Phalaenopsis tetraspis C1 – the orchid that always blooms different May 6, 2015 November 29, 2020 This is Phalaenopsis tetraspis variety C1, the orchid that can always have different looking flowers. The white and red petals can b... 21.1K
05:12 Latest VideosOrchid IdentificationOrchid Species and Simple Hybrids Promenaea xanthina (citrina) – a miniature orchid May 2, 2015 November 29, 2020 Here is Promenaea xanthina, a miniature orchid species from Brazil. It is described as cool growing and warm growing so, we’ll... 9.4K
08:49 Latest VideosOrchid IdentificationOrchid Species and Simple Hybrids Masdevallia Bellavallia – a possible hardy orchid! April 19, 2015 November 29, 2020 So here I was hunting for some new chids and behold.. a weird looking orange thingy in the middle of a Phalaenopsis sea. The Masdeva... 10K
08:19 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids How to repot a Sedirea japonica orchid April 13, 2015 November 29, 2020 The Sedirea japonica is quite an easy orchid to grow, though it can be frustrating with reblooming. It has a small soft spot though... 10.2K
04:50 Orchid Species and Simple HybridsPhalaenopsis Orchids Phalaenopsis tetraspis after switching fertilizer – buds and green leaves! April 12, 2015 November 29, 2020 Last year I made a video with a suspicion of deficiency with my orchids, so I switched to a different fertilizer that had a stronger... 8.8K
04:55 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Epidendrum Crystal Valley Red Star orchid – in love yet? March 30, 2015 November 29, 2020 This is the Epidendrum Crystal Valley variety Red Sar, which is a cross between Epi. radicans and Epi. Star Valley. The color is rea... 12.4K
05:22 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Habenaria medusa orchid in vegetative growth for the spring March 28, 2015 November 29, 2020 Here is my Habenaria medusa orchid, just breaking through the top of the media. At this point it is time to keep the orchid moist at... 3.3K
05:53 Orchid Species and Simple Hybrids Tolumnia orchids – basic care tips March 25, 2015 November 29, 2020 Tolumnia orchids are becoming more and more popular and for good reason. they are miniature orchids that can produce a nice show of... 34.1K
03:59 Latest VideosOrchid IdentificationOrchid Species and Simple Hybrids Sedirea japonica – My little orchid queen March 12, 2015 November 29, 2020 Sedirea Japonica is a small orchid species that has monopodial growth and tiny flowers. Though the colors are nothing too fancy, the... 18.8K
05:46 Dendrobium OrchidsOrchid Species and Simple Hybrids Dendrobium pierardii (aphyllum, cucullatum) – one adorable little orchid! March 6, 2015 November 29, 2020 This is Dendrobium pierardii (or aphyllum or cucullatum) and it is a deciduous Dendrobium species. This means it will lose its leave... 12.7K