Giving up potted Vanda Orchids – time for a change!
So this year I tried to grow my Vanda orchids in pots with inorganic medium. Now apart from a suitable place for the big pots, I am not liking how they do. Time for a change!
▼▼▼More info bellow!▼▼▼
So Vandas have been one of those orchids that simply grow and bloom for me in the past years. I grew them bare root, soaked them every day, things were great. You can watch a video on it here
This year I tried to grow them potted and.. I am not happy. They are looking alright, no deaths but they simply don;t perform like they used to. So I decided to hand them once again!
This time I am trying a twist. Inspired by Brad;’s video which you can see here I decided to place the roots in a bag, in order to prevent water from evaporating fast. Will it work? I don;t know, but I do take into account everything Brad says, he knows his stuff.
I also made the roots more manageable following this idea from Miracle Orchids so they sat better in the bag.
Now if the bag thing does work it would mean I don;t need a big bucket to soak them in every day. I would save osmosis water and would not share water either, so fingers crossed!
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