How to tell an Orchid flower spike from a root – Phalaenopsis
Since it is Phalaenopsis Orchids season, it’s time to see some new flower spikes growing! but which is a flower spike and which is a root?
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First let us start with location. A flower spike will always appear from between the leaves, on the side of the orchid if you will. Usually it will be found under the second or third leaf from the top, as you count on one side. You will never see a spike starting from the front or back of the orchid.
Roots can appear from any location, front, back and sides. They will however not be produced on the highest sections of the orchid, the axis is not ready to produce roots and spikes at that level yet.
Spike are usually have a sharp tip and are narrow, while roots are rounder and thicker. Roots also tend to be more glossy than spikes, but this can be hard to tell without a strong light.
Spikes will develop a mitten shape at the top as they grow, while roots will keep a single tip. Usually spikes are produced in the colder season, but this is not always a rule, as Phalaenopsis hybrids can be off season and unpredictable.
If you are not sure yet give the orchid a few more days and the difference will be visible. The spike will usually grow upwards and towards the light source, while roots can be pretty wild in their growth and take multiple directions, no matter the light source.
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