How to train Oncidium Orchid flowers to face you
Due to popular request, here is a how to video on how to train your Oncidium type orchid to bloom facing the same direction.
When the flower spike is about 15 cm in length it should be about time to start training. Insert a bamboo stake into the pot, as close to the spike as possible, and pin the spike close to its base. be careful that you don;t pin the tip, that contains the buds!
As it grows continue to clip it to the stake and, as the buds separate, pin it in the spaces between the buds. It is important to stake it all the way to its tip.
While training always place the orchid in the same place, facing the same way. To help with this you can add a marker to the pot. This will make it easier for you to know how exactly the orchid was sitting.
Other than that just enjoy the blooms 🙂 there might always be that odd flower that simply doesn’t want to arrange, but for the main part this should work great.
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