Orchids in bloom – December 2015
Here are the orchids that were in bloom for the month of December 2015:
1. Rhinchorides Bangkok Sunset http://orchidnature.com/orchid-identification-rhynchorides-bangkok-sunset/
2. Vanda Nitaya Magic Lemon http://orchidnature.com/orchid-identification-vanda-nitaya-magic-lemon/
3. Oncostele Geyser Gold http://orchidnature.com/orchid-identification-oncostele-odontoglossum-geyser-gold/
4. Oncidium Twinkle
5. Paphiopedilum USA Hybrid
6. Dendrobium Berry Oda
7. Tolumnia Corona http://orchidnature.com/orchid-identification-tolumnia-jairak-flyer-corona/
8. Tolumnia Dapple http://orchidnature.com/orchid-identification-tolumnia-jairak-flyer-dapple/
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