Why do Phalaenopsis Orchid roots die after repotting?
Many of my viewers ask me why do Phalaenopsis orchid roots die after they repot it. And while this is not specific only to Phalaenopsis, this orchid is not known for having too sensitive roots. But there are some instances in which the death of roots occurs after repotting
▼▼▼More info bellow!▼▼▼
1. The orchid is switched to a totally different medium
Roots adapt to perform in a particular environment, since in nature they don;t move from their spot, this is a great evolutionary trait. However switching environment can render them useless, so the orchid will lose them and will produce new roots more adapted to the current environment. Example: roots adapted to sphagnum moss and moisture will struggle in bark, where ventilation is greater and they will dehydrate faster. The other way around is valid too.
2. Some roots were sicker than you thought
It’s hard sometimes to determine which roots are perfectly healthy and which are not. This is why some roots will die shortly after repotting, there’s a high chance some that you didn’t cut were not functional anymore, but you couldn’t tell at the time of repotting.
3. Extensive damage while repotting
Some orchids are so pot bound that it’s inevitable to damage the orchids. By unsticking them from the pot or from eachother you risk snapping them or removing parts of their velamen. Some roots will be so badly damaged that they will not be able to function anymore and eventually die.
4. Incorrect care
Especially if you don;t have experience with orchids, you might provide some wrong care, like too frequent watering or not enough watering. In this case some roots might die from suffocation or desiccation. But rest assured you are not the only one who did this, we need to make mistakes to learn 🙂
How to care for Phalaenopsis orchids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mce-ne6NyL0
Severe sun burn on Phalaenopsis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDK4LbMEZNc
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